Kodi & RetroPi

Kodi & Retropi

  1. Install OSMC on an SD Card and run it on the Pi
  2. Exit OSMC and press ESC to enter the terminal. User: osmc Password: osmc
  3. Run the following commands:
    $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mcobit/retrosmc/master/install-retrosmc.sh
    $ chmod +x install-retrosmc.sh
    $ ./install-retrosmc.sh
  1. Select “Install retrosmc”
  2. In the RetroPie installer, do a “Basic Install”
  3. Select “Install Launcher Addon” # This adds a Kodi add-on to launch RetroPie
  4. Select “Cancel” and reboot the Pi
  5. Plug in a thumb drive with Roms, BIOS, etc in the proper directory format
  6. Enable the retrosmc add-on and launch it
  7. Install the following additional packages: scraper (Optional): Steven Selph’s Scraper dosbox (Optional): MS-DOS emulation drastic (Experimental): Nintendo DS emulation xpad (Drivers): For XBox 360 controllers
  8. Scraping (Steven Selph’s Scraper)